Sunday, November 20, 2011

Mast o Musir - Yogurt and Shallot Dip


3 cups plain yogurt
2 shallots, diced
and pepper to taste


1. Dice shallots
2. Combine the yogurt and diced shallots in a bowl and thoroughly integrate
3. Add salt and pepper to taste
4. Let the covered mixture settle for about an hour in the fridge
5. Serve as a side to a main dish or as a dip with chips or bread

Persians sometimes use dried shallots for this recipe. If you decide to use dried shallots, make sure to first soak them in a bowl of water for about an hour or two. You’ll revive the shallots and reduce any bitterness.

You can eat your Mast o Musir as a rice side dish or eat it plain with pita or potato chips. Bread is also a great dipping option. Enjoy!


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