Saturday, February 25, 2012


Ingredients (4 servings):

400 g yogurt
1 cucumber
2 tablespoon dried mint or 4 tablespoon mint, minced
Salt, pepper

Also - if you like using the original recipe:
12 walnut halves
50 g sultanas


Cut the cucumbers in small dices or grate it and mix it in a bowl with the yogurt. Add the mint and let stand for at least 1 hour.

If you want to refine it with walnuts: put the waltnut halves into a small bowl and pour hot water over it. Let stand for about 10 min. and then peel of the skin. Then chop the nuts finely.


Zutaten für 4 Personen:

400 g Joghurt
1 Salatgurke
2 El getrocknete Minze oder 4 El frische feingehackte Minze
Salz, Pfeffer

Außerdem - wer es mag nach Originalrezept:
12 Walnusshälften
50 g Sultaninen


Den Joghurt in eine Schüssel geben und die Gurke schälen und in kleine Stücke schneiden oder raspeln. Die Gewürze dazugeben und mind. 1Std ziehen lassen.

Wer es mit Walnüssen verfeinern möchte: Die Walnusshälften in einer kleinen Schüssel mit heißem Wasser überbrühen und nach ca. 10 Minuten die Haut abziehen, danach die Nüsse fein hacken.

Khoreshte Fesenjan

Photo by

Ingredients (4 servings):

1 kg chicken pieces
500 grams Ground walnuts
4 small onions
4 glasses Pomegranate juice (or 5 tablespoons of pomegranate paste)
2-3 tablespoons sugar
1/2 cup of cooking oil
1/2 teaspoon Salt
1/2 teaspoon turmeric


Pour 5 glasses of hot water in a pan and bring to boil. Add salt, ground walnuts and pomegranate juice or paste. If pomegranate juice or paste is sour, add 2-3 tablespoons sugar to the Khoresht.

Turn heat down and let boil slowly for about 45 minutes adding more hot water if needed.

Peel onions and slice thinly. Fry in oil until slightly golden.

Wash chicken pieces and fry in onions with 1/2 teaspoon turmeric until color changes. Add these to the Khoresht and let slowly cook for another 30 minutes.

Care should be taken to cook the khoresht long enough so that the oil in walnuts comes out and the mix becomes quite thick. Khoreshte Fesenjan should be served with rice.


Zutaten (für 4 Personen):

1 kg Hühnerfleisch-Stückchen
500 g geriebene Walnüsse
4 kleine Zwiebeln
4 Gläser Granatapfelsaft (oder 5 EL Granatapfelsirup/-paste)
2-3 TL Zucker
½ cup Öl
½ TL Salz
½ TL Kurkuma


Bringe 5 Gläser Wasser in einer Pfanne oder einen Topf zum Kochen. Füge das Salz, die geriebenen Walnüsse und den Granatapfelsaft bzw. Granatapfelsirup/-paste hinzu. Wenn der Granatapfelsaft bzw. Granatapfelsirup/-paste sauer ist, dann füge auch 2-3 EL Zucker hinzu.

Reduziere die Hitze auf kleine Stufe und lasse die Sauce für ca. 45 min. langsam kochen. Wenn nötig, dann füge noch heißes Wasser zum khoresht hinzu.

Gib die geschälten, feingewürfelten Zwiebeln zusammen mit 2-3 EL Öl in einen Topf und brate sie goldbraun an.

Wasche das Hühnerfleisch und brate es in den Zwiebeln mit ½ TL Kurkuma bis sich die Farbe ändert. Füge das Fleisch zum khoresht hinzu und lass das ganze für weite 30 min. langsam kochen.

Es sollte darauf geachtet werden, den khoresht lange genug zu kochen, damit das Öl in den Walnüssen heraus kommt und die Sauce ganz dick wird. Khoreshte Fesenjan sollte mit Reis serviert werden.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Pasticcio with artichokes / Pasticcio mit Artischocken

25-30 min.1-27 min 4


400 gr. (14 oz.) Schär Rigati pasta
2 whole artichokes
1/2 onion
200 gr. (7 oz.) ricotta cheese
2 tablespoons olive oil
salt to taste


Slice the onion and fry in the oil, add the artichokes that have been cut into pieces, salt, cook for approximately 20 minutes, and moisten from time to time with warm water. In the mean time, boil the rigati in abundant salted water. Soften the ricotta cheese with a few ladles full of the water from the pasta. Drain the rigati, place them in a serving platter, pour the ricotta and artichoke sauce over them, and stir well.

olive divider


400 g Rigati Schär
2 ganze Artischocken
1/2 Zwiebel
200 g Quark (Topfen)
2 EL Olivenöl
Salz nach Bedarf


Die Zwiebel in Scheiben schneiden und im Öl anrösten, die in Stücke geschnittenen Artischocken hinzugeben, salzen und ca. 20 Minuten kochen und von Zeit zu Zeit mit warmem Wasser benetzen. In der Zwischenzeit die Nudeln in reichlichem Salzwasser kochen. Quark in ein paar Rührlöffeln des Kochwassers der Pasta aufweichen. Die Rigati abseihen, in einen Servierteller geben, darüber den Quark und die Artischockensoße geben und gut umrühren.


Welches Mehl wann?

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Molten Lava Cake

Yield: Serves 3-4, depending on the size of the servings.


•  2/3 cup (about 80 g) confectioner's sugar, plus more for ramekins
•  4 tablespoons (about 60 g) unsalted butter, plus more for ramekins
•  2/3 cup (about 120 g) semi sweet chocolate, I used chocolate chips
•  6 tablespoons all-purpose flour
•  3 eggs
•  pinch salt
•  2 teaspoons instant coffee
•  1 teaspoon vanilla extract


Preheat oven to 400°F. Butter the bottom and sides of 3 ramekins (I used 220 ml ramekins). Then dust the ramekins with some confectioners' sugar.

Place the eggs, confectioner's sugar, salt, vanilla extract and instant coffee into a large bowl. Mix them with a electric mixer for about 2 minutes.

Break the chocolate into pieces (if you don't use the chocolate chips). Place the butter and chocolate in a small microwave-safe bowl.

Microwave on high for 1 to 2 minutes, or until smooth; stopping to stir every 25 seconds (or use a double boiler to melt the chocolate). Let cool slightly.

Add the chocolate mixture into the egg mixture. Whisk to combine.

Then add the flour, and whisk just until combined (do not over mix).

Pour the batter into prepared ramekins (do not overfill).

Place the ramekins on a baking sheet. Bake on the middle rack of the oven for 10-11 minutes. The edges should be firm but the center will be soft and runny. Remove from the oven and let sit for 2 minutes.

Run a small knife around the edges to loosen and invert onto dessert plates or you can serve each molten lava cake still in the cup.

Serve warm.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Chef's tip of the week

To have a flat baked cake, suitable for decoration and/or filling, pour cake batter in the pan, move the pan from side to side a bit so the batter reaches up along the sides, with the middle being slightly lower. As the cake bakes the middle and edges will meet and rise more evenly.

(Nestlé Desserts Arabia on FB)

Vanilla Mousse with Marshmallow

Preparation time: 20 minutes
Cooling time: 3 hours

Serves: 11 persons


2 cups liquid cream or 500 ml
1 tin NESTLÉ® Cream or 170 g
1/3 cup caster sugar or 70 g
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 cup marshmallows or 50 g, cut into small cubes
1 tablespoon gelatine powder, dissolved in 3 tablespoons hot water


Place fresh liquid cream, NESTLÉ® Cream , sugar and vanilla in a mixing bowl and whip using an electric hand mixer for 5-6 minutes or until mixture becomes almost stiff.

Fold in the marshmallow and add the dissolved gelatin. Stir constantly or until mixture is well combined.

Pour the mixture in individual cups or rectangular cake pan, cover and chill for 3 hours or until it's firm.

Serving tip

Pour strawberry sauce over or serve it aside.


Monday, February 6, 2012

Rice Krispies Treats®

6 cups (150 grams) Rice Krispies® cereal
3 tablespoons (42 grams) unsalted butter or soft natural buttery spread
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 - 10 ounce (285 grams) package miniature marshmallows
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

Butter, or spray with a non stick vegetable spray, a 9 inch (23 cm) square baking pan.

Place the Rice Krispies® in a large bowl that has been buttered or sprayed with a non stick vegetable spray.

Butter, or spray with a non stick vegetable spray, a medium sized saucepan. Melt the butter and salt in the saucepan over medium low heat. Add the marshmallows and constantly stir until the marshmallows have completely melted. Add the vanilla extract and then pour the mixture over the Rice Krispies® cereal and stir until all the cereal has been coated.

Immediately pour the mixture into your prepared pan and lightly pat until even. Cool at room temperature until the Rice Krispies Treats® have set. Cut into squares. Can store at room temperature for a few days if well wrapped

Makes about 16 squares. Preparation time 35 minutes.

Tip: It is preferred to use miniature marshmallows, large ones are fine, or you can even use a 7 ounce jar of marshmallow creme. But it is important to use fresh marshmallows as they melt so nicely, and make sure to butter or spray, with a non stick vegetable spray, the baking pan, the saucepan, the bowl, and all utensils, as this mixture is very sticky. These treats are definitely at their best when freshly made, although they can be stored for a few days at room temperature.

You can find a video to it on YouTube.

References: Weinstein, Bruce. 'The Ultimate Candy Book'. William Morrow. New York: 2000.
