Sunday, June 20, 2010

Zereshk Polow

Ingredients: (4 Servings)

500 grams basmati or long-grain rice
800 grams chicken
2 spoons butter
four spoons barberries (dried)
one spoon sugar
two large onions
1/2 teaspoon saffron
cooking oil
salt & black pepper

Remove the skin from chicken pieces. Marinate chicken in grated onions, salt and pepper for 4-5 hours.

Cook rice using the recipe given for Polow or Kateh.

Wash barberries twice with cold water and drain the water. Add sugar and fry in butter over medium heat for about five minutes.

Pour saffron in a small bowl. Pour in 2-3 spoons of hot water and mix. Fill the bowl with rice and mix well. Add saffron-rice and barberries to the rest of the rice and mix well.

Cook chicken under grill for 15-20 minutes turning each piece a few times during cooking. Serve with barberry-rice.


Ingredients: (4 Servings)

3 cups or 500 grams basmati or long-grain rice
1/2 teaspoon salt
4 tablespoons cooking oil

Wash 500 grams of rice with plain water twice and drain the water. Pour rice into a non-stick pan. Add five cups of water, four spoons of oil and two spoons of salt, and mix. Bring the water to a boil over high temperature. Let the water boil until water level sinks to just below rice level. Cover the pan, and cook over low temperature for about half an hour.

Kateh can be served with kababs or a variety of koresht. It is simpler to cook than Polow (chelow).

Polow (chelow) / Tschelo (Persischer Reis)

Ingredients: (4 Servings)

500 grams long-grain rice or basmati
6 tablespoons cooking oil
1 tablespoon salt

The preparation of polow (chelow) is more elaborate than kateh and results in a delicious non-sticky rice. It is normally served with kababs or any of the main Persian dishes.

Wash rice twice and soak in salted warm water for 3-4 hours, then drain the water. Pour water in a large pan until it is half-full and bring it to a boil.

Add rice and a spoonful of salt and continue boiling until rice slightly softens. Pour rice into a drain and wash it with slightly warm water.

Pour 3 spoonfuls of cooking oil into the pan and add rice. Pour 3 more spoonfuls of oil over rice. Cover the pan and cook over low heat for about half an hour. If cooking time is increased, a delicious crispy layer of rice (called ta-dig) will form at the bottom of the pan.

Zutaten für 5 Portionen

5 Gläser Basmati Reis
2 EL Salz
3 Liter Wasser
2 EL Salz
3 EL Öl


Reis in eine Schüssel geben, mit lauwarmen Wasser bedecken, 2 EL Salz dazugeben und mindestens 3 Stunden ruhen lassen. Mindestens 3 Liter (ruhig großzügig) Wasser in einem Topf mit Öl und Salz aufkochen. Das Wasser aus der Schüssel mit dem Reis abtropfen lassen, und den Reis in das kochende Wasser geben. Hin und wieder umrühren, damit sich der Reis nicht auf dem Boden des Topfes absetzt. Nach ca. 10 - 15 Minuten ein Reiskorn heraus fischen und in der Mitte trennen. Wenn es außen schon weich und innen noch etwas hart ist, den Reis in ein Sieb gießen und mit lauwarmem Wasser die Stärke abspülen.

Die Kartoffel schälen und in ca 2-3 cm dicke Scheiben schneiden. In den Topf etwas Öl gießen, die Kartoffelscheiben auf dem Boden des Topfes verteilen. (Sie sollen verhindern, dass der Reis anbrennt. Wenn es gut gelingt, kann man sie auch mit servieren.) Den abgetropften Reis auf die Kartoffeln geben, mit dem Stiel eines Kochlöffels ein paar Löcher bis zum Topfboden in den Reisberg drücken, etwas Öl darauf verteilen und 20 - 25 Minuten mit verschlossenem Deckel auf niedriger Stufe dämpfen. Dabei auf keinen Fall umrühren.


Saturday, June 19, 2010


Haleem photo haleem.jpg
Haleem (Persian: حلیم ) is a thick Persian high calorie dish. It is a special dish prepared during Ramadan in Iran since its good for the stomach.
In Iran, Haleem is made of wheat and Turkey. This dish is slow cooked for some hours which results in a paste like consistency, with the taste of turkey blending with wheat.

Ingredients: (4 servings)
1 l water
1 pound (1/2 kg) skinless turkey breast (You may substitute as much chicken or meat)
1 large sliced onion
1/2 (227 g) pound wheat seeds or Bulgur (pre-shelled, white wheat)
Sugar (optional)
Butter or Ghee (optional)

Place turkey, onion and salt in a pot. Lower heat and cook until turkey is done (about 1 hour). If juices evaporate before turkey is done, add 1/4 cup water. When turkey is cooked, remove from the pot and mash with a potato masher.

Add water to the bulgur to barely cover it (1 litr is enough), then bring to a boil.

Stir occasionally, to prevent the formation of a crust on the bottom of the pan.

In a food processor, mash bulgur into a soft paste and set aside.

Return turkey and bulgur to the pot, mix well and cook over low heat for 2 hours. Then add butter, sugar and sesame.

Serve it in a bowl, sprinkle with cinnamon.