Friday, September 7, 2012

Turmeric tea

1-2 teaspoons of ground turmeric
2 cups of water
Cinnamon or cloves (to taste, optional)
Honey (to taste, optional)
Almond milk (optional)

Mix the water and turmeric together in a pot and bring it to a gentle simmer. Simmer for 10 minutes. Add spices such as cinnamon or a few cloves to taste. Strain the mixture, reserving the liquid. Sweeten with honey and almond milk, again to taste.

Pregnant and nursing women should avoid turmeric tea. Turmeric may cause an upset stomach, especially if you aren't used to it, so begin your turmeric tea regimen with the lowest dose possible and work your way up to more if you would like to take more.People with diabetes and hypoglycemia, as well as anyone taking medications that can affect blood glucose levels should not take turmeric. Turmeric may prevent clotting, so if you are taking drugs that change the rate at which your blood clots, avoid turmeric. You can find a list of other side effects here.


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