Ingredients: (for 16 flatbreads)
1 kg of flour
2 tbsp baking powder
2 tsp salt
½ l water
For a slightly smaller amount of flatbread the following quantities are recommended:
2 coffee cups flour or Schaer Bread Mix B (glutenfree)
2 tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
½ - 1 coffee cup drinking water
The stated amount is enough for a few meals flatbread.
Preparation: (10-20 minutes)
Knead all ingredients to a dough and form about finger-thick flatbreads. Put some fat in a frying pan and bake each side for a few minutes until they are crunchy.
Combine 3-4 cups of whole grain flour, a pinch of salt, and 2-3 tablespoons of any kind of oil or animal fat with enough warm water to turn your ingredients into a semi dry dough. Careful not to add to much water! If you add too much water add flour to compensate. Use your hands to kneed the dough, keep mixing until it has a thick and even consistency. Then give the bannock a quick coating of oil or fat and then its ready to cook.
All you need is a fire, your bannock dough and a live green tree branch about 1/2 inch (1,3 cm) in diameter.
What you want to do is roll your dough into a 1/2 inch (1,3 cm) thick snake then wrap the dough around the stick and cook it evenly over the fire until it is fully cooked. It's as simple as that!
If you don't have the tools you need to make a fire you can try leaving your dough on a rock under the heat of the afternoon sun. You may just be happily surprised by the results!
Combine 3-4 cups of whole grain flour, a pinch of salt, and 2-3 tablespoons of any kind of oil or animal fat with enough warm water to turn your ingredients into a semi dry dough. Careful not to add to much water! If you add too much water add flour to compensate. Use your hands to kneed the dough, keep mixing until it has a thick and even consistency. Then give the bannock a quick coating of oil or fat and then its ready to cook.
All you need is a fire, your bannock dough and a live green tree branch about 1/2 inch (1,3 cm) in diameter.
What you want to do is roll your dough into a 1/2 inch (1,3 cm) thick snake then wrap the dough around the stick and cook it evenly over the fire until it is fully cooked. It's as simple as that!
If you don't have the tools you need to make a fire you can try leaving your dough on a rock under the heat of the afternoon sun. You may just be happily surprised by the results!
Tips / Notes:
- Bannocks can vary, for example with whole wheat flour, grits, oatmeal, milk powder, peanuts, berries and barley flour (then it's called Balep korkun)
- It's best to eat a Bannock when freshly made, when still warm and toasted.
- You can eat the Bannocks with jam, but they also taste delicious with melted cheese.
- The recommended consumption is within 24 hours.
Bannock ist ein Fladenbrot, das seine Ursprünge in den schottischen Highlands hat. Im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert fand es auch bei den Ureinwohnern im Osten Kanadas Verbreitung.
Zutaten: (für 16 Fladenbrote)
1 kg Mehl
2 EL Backpulver
2 TL Salz
½ l Wasser
Für eine etwas kleinere Menge Fladenbrot empfehlen sich folgende Mengen:
2 Kaffeetassen Mehl oder Schär Brot Mix B (glutenfrei)
2 TL od. 1 Pkg. Backpulver
½ TL od. 1-2 Prisen Salz
½ - 1 Kaffeetasse Trinkwasser
Die angegebene Menge reicht für ein paar Mahlzeiten Fladenbrot.
Zubereitung: (10-20 Minuten)
Aus allen Zutaten einen Teig kneten und etwa fingerdicke Fladen formen. In einer Pfanne ein paar Minuten pro Seite mit etwas Fett (wenn die Pfanne nicht beschichtet ist) backen, bis es schön knusprig ist.
- Man sollte während des gesamten Backens darauf achten, dass das Brot goldbraun gebacken und nicht zu dunkel wird. Man sollte gegebenenfalls die Hitze etwas runterregulieren, um das Bannock möglichst gleichmäßig durch zu backen.
- Man kann Bannock vielfältig variieren, z. B. mit Vollkornmehl, Schrot, Haferflocken, Milchpulver, Erdnüssen, Beeren oder Gerste (dann heißt es Balep korkun).
- Am besten isst man Bannock in frischem Zustand, wenn es noch warm bzw. getoastet ist.
- Bannocks schmecken mit Marmelade aber auch (in der Pfanne) mit Käse überbacken vorzüglich.
- Verzehr innerhalb von 24 Stunden empfohlen