Sunday, August 22, 2010

Doogh - Iranian yoghurt drink


1 cup plain yoghurt
1 cup cold water
Salt to taste
A good pinch of dried mint
Optional: dried rose petals

Place yoghurt in a large glass pitcher. Slowly whisk in the cold water. 

Season with salt to taste and add the dried mint and optional the dried rose petals. 

Serve immediately.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Joojeh Kabab

4 Servings:

1 chicken, 1 kg
1/2 cup / 110 ml extra-virgin olive oil
2 large onions, grated
4 medium tomatoes
2 tablespoon / 30 ml fresh lime juice
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1/4 teaspoon saffron


Prepare marinade: mix olive oil, grated onions, saffron, salt, black pepper and lime juice. Wash and cut chicken into small pieces, then remove the skin. Marinate overnight (or at least for several hours) in refrigerator. The container should be covered.

Thread chicken on long, thin metal skewers. Thread leg and thigh pieces, wings and breast pieces separately, as breast requires slightly less cooking. Also thread whole tomatoes separately on another skewer. Brush with marinade. Barbeque for about 5-10 minutes on each side, turning frequently.

Joojeh Kabab can also be prepared in the oven and without using a skewer. Prepare chicken as before, pre-heat the oven to about 200 C, put the marinated chicken in the oven and stir frequently.

Cut the Tomatoes in halves and roast gently in a pan.

Serve hot with plain rice (Polow or Chelow) or on middle-eastern bread.



1 kg Hühnerfilet
Saft einer Zitrone oder Limone
2 große rote Zwiebeln, gerieben
4 mittel-große Tomaten
110 ml Öl
1/4 TL Safranfäden
Salz, Pfeffer


Das Hühnerfilet in große Würfel schneiden. Safranfäden in etwas warmem Wasser einweichen und zu dem Zitronen- oder Limonensaft geben. Die Zwiebel in Würfel schneiden und hinzugeben. Die Mischung mit Salz und Pfeffer abschmecken und etwas Öl hinzugeben. Das Hähnchenfleisch in die Marinade geben und einige Stunden ziehen lassen. Das marinierte Fleisch auf Spieße stecken und über Holzkohle oder im Ofen bei ca. 200 C grillen. Die Tomaten in einer Pfanne anbraten. Mit Reis servieren.